Friday, August 14, 2009

Genesis 5 and 6

Genesis 5 is a genealogy complete with ages. It's from this that Young Earth Creationists get their age of the Earth.

Adam was 130 when Seth was born who was 105 when Enosh was born who was 90 when Kenan was born who was... You get the idea. This leads down to Noah who was 500 when his three sons were born. (Does this mean that Shem, Ham, and Japheth were triplets?)

I sat down and worked out how old the earth was when they were born. It was 1,556 years old.

Chapter 6 starts with an explanation of the Nephilim. If you're following along with a KJV, it starts with the "There were giants in those days." thing. We're not quite sure what the Nephilim are and they don't show up in Canon again. If you've managed to track down the Book of Enoch (who showed up last chapter as "The whole lifetime of Enoch was three hundred and sixty-five years. Then Enoch walked with God, and he was no longer here, for God took him." No, this isn't Cain's son.) the Nephilim show up as what caused Lucifer's Fall from Grace. The "sons of God", whatever that means, came down to Earth, boffed a bunch of women and, the result of this is the Nephilim. Enoch says that they were thrown out of Heaven for this, but it's not Canon so it doesn't count, I guess.

Anyway, there's a whole bunch of wickedness on the Earth and God doesn't like it. In fact, he doesn't like it so darn much he decides to drown the planet and try again. I guess God runs Windows. ERROR! Reboot!

God looks down, sees Noah and decides to let him live. So he tells Noah to make "an ark of gopherwood" (What's gopherwood? We don't know. This is the only time it shows up.) and gives him the dimensions. The ark, by the way, looks like a rectangular box. It does not look like a ship. Noah's allowed to take himself, his wife, his sons, and their wives onto the ark and he's told that a male and female of all animals is to come aboard and he's also to get all the food he needs.

Thus does Chapter 6 end.

Young Earth Creationists have done whole feasibility studies on the ark. Unfortunately, I don't happen to own any of them so I'm not going to get into the evolutionary debate here.


Blogger Kimberly Graesser said...

I LOVE studying the Nephilim. I've got two whole pages in Word just on theories involving them. I'd put some of it here but for some reason it won't let me copy/paste anything :(

As for gopherwood, most Biblical scholars today think it was a type of cypress wood. There is also a theory that it was a copyist error and should read (what would translate as) "pitched wood" because that is only one letter difference in the Hebrew.

August 18, 2009 at 1:59 PM  

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