Saturday, February 20, 2010

Genesis 10, 11

I'm back! And I've got a program that'll help keep me on path. I hope.

Genesis 10 is mostly another genealogy explaining were all the peoples of the world came from out of the bottleneck that is the flood.

At the beginning of Genesis 11 there's the story of the Tower of Babel almost forgotten sandwiched between genealogies. People spoke the same language and decided to build a tower. Why? We don't know. This pissed off God who then went down and "confounded" their languages. Why? We don't know.

After this is the genealogy of Shem's kids, leading down to Abra(ha)m. By the time he's born, the earth is 2196 years old. Whee!

Okay, regarding the Tower of Babel. There's a particular subsection of mythology that's explanatory. There's a specific word for these myths but both Google and Wikipedia are failing me and I can't remember it, so I'll just go on from here, 'kay? Anyhow, you remember these myths from school. "Why Ravens Are Black" and "How Coyote Placed The Stars" and anything from the Just So Stories are these types of myths. And this is pretty clearly one of those. Why are there all these different languages when we all came from one people? Well, God got pissed off because some of 'em made a tower.

I'll admit, I'm not coming to this seeing everything written as something that actually happened but I will admit, I've never gotten why it pissed off God to build a tower and pissed him off enough that he'd make communication impossible, you know?

Anyhow, posts should be getting more daily now that I've got this thing to remind me. We'll see if I actually keep up with it. Also, Firefox has been doing something strange with the spellchecker, so forgive me if my spelling is worse than usual. My inability to see mistakes as I'm writing usually extends to several read throughs and I was never the best speller to begin with, so if there is a marked drop in readability, it's Firefox's fault.


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