Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Bible I'm Using

So I'm starting with the Bible and I thought I'd explain why I'm using this particular translation.

I am using the St. Joseph edition of this. Why? Well, I was raised Catholic so it's the version I grew up on. Also, since it's a Catholic bible, it's got a good portion of the Apocrypha. But mostly?


It's one of the most annotated bibles I own and I collect bibles in all forms, so that says a lot.

For some of the more interesting verses I will probably pop on over to some of my other bibles and for the poetry I will almost definitely use the King James because there's nothing like seventeenth century wording to make poetry sound wonderful. And, honestly, Psalms sounds prettier in thees and thous. Ah, if only I knew Latin.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Breif Explanation

Religion has always fascinated me and I figure one of the easiest ways to understand a religion is to read the works it considers holy.

I will be starting with the Bible because, like it as not, I live in America and Christianity is the predominate religion here. Eventually, I'll move on to the Qur'an and then to the Bhagavad Gita and the Buddhist holy books and anything else I can get my hands on.

I hope to update this blog twice a week or more as my schedule allows.